Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

What a week this as been!!

Hubby has an upper respiratory infection, I have a sinus infection, we both shared a stomach virus, and Little Man has a ear infection along w/chest congestion and post nasal drip, which causes him to vomit when a coughing spell hits!! Hubby missed Saturday and Sunday of work, I missed Monday and Tuesday of work and Little Man is missing today and tomorrow at Daycare. I will be joining him by taking vacation days to take care of him and myself. Forget this house! Apparently the truck that hit us, hit the house too!

I’d love to chat but I’m irritable and am on here to do a little research. The doctor put me on a new medicine today and I heard it’s a relative of a medicine I took a few years ago (by the pharmacist after its purchase, how convenient). I thought the later was a product made by the devil himself so I want to make sure these two aren’t kissing cousins so to speak.

More to come later...

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year of The...Outlaw

Yes, you've got it. This is my year!!

After all, it has to be! I'll be turning 30 next year. By the time you are 30 you HAVE to be an adult and you have to seem grown up. Don’t you know that was a rule? Actually, that is a rule.

I'm not setting any New Year's Resolutions this year. I like to be different. I'm going to do something that was suggested to me. I do want to say that I am not doing this because of the idea. I am doing this because I am a capable 28 year old who doesn't want to just scrape by anymore. I want to conquer this world and its hurdles. I want to rise above. Fist in the air, you won’t bring me down!!!

I’m setting some goals for myself this year. I would love to share them all with you BUT this a blog, for the entire world to see. Did you know blog isn’t a word? Well it isn’t in my Microsoft Word Dictionary. I had to add it. At any rate, one goal that I will share is to lose weight. How much weight? I don’t know. I just know that every Friday I will weigh and I will have succeeded if I have lost weight. Losing is better than gaining when it comes to that yucky old yellow fat.

Another goal I have set for myself is a huge challenge. I want to juggle being a wife, mother, full time employee, and full time student. I want to get my Bachelor’s degree in the next four years, if not sooner, and then I want to get my Master’s degree. This Batesburg native is going back to school and I will be successful!

One of life’s lessons that I have experienced is you never know what tomorrow will throw at you. Since you don’t know, you can sit around and wait and be unprepared or you can get your armor together today and embrace life’s battles. I’ve been unprepared. I’ve even failed at times. I’ve been slapped in the face by life so hard that blue was my favorite color. The best thing about today is you can do it all over again tomorrow.

I say all that to say, I’m going back to school. I should start around February if all is well. Don’t ask questions about the school deal. I’ll give all the details when the time is right and I am ready. No it’s not a secret. Just something the world will know about in my time. After all, this is my life…enjoy.