Just a quick little blog to give you an update on the Hutson Family...
We are 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. We took a test on Friday that came back positive and headed to the doctor today. We thought we were further along (9 weeks) but apparently my uterus didn't feel 9 weeks along so we had an ultrasound. I'm glad we had that b/c I got to see our little one and hear and see the heartbeat. That makes it all real!! Now I know why my stomach is in knots and it is so worth it!!!
Our due date is May 15th, 2009. We are so excited and thankful God has chosen to bless us in this way!! I can't wait to enjoy every aspect of making this little bundle of joy.
Can ya'll imagine spending 40 weeks of every waking/sleeping second w/me? haha! What a bond I'm going to have with this little one!! I'm so excited.
Well, I'm tired so I think I'm about to catch a nap.