If you haven't heard, we are having a boy. We found out last Tuesday at our ultrasound/prenatal appointment. As expected, we are totally estatic! We would be happy either way but a tough little boy is what this family needs!

You know, I was just thinking...how embarrassing it is to have your "privates" exposed to the entire cyber world. I hope this isn't one of those things that ends up haunting our child. Hey, just a thought?!?
Based on the ultrasound, our due date is still around May 15th. Time is flying by!! I'll be 23 weeks this Friday so that leaves us with 17 weeks. I can't believe it! Little Man will be here before we know it. We can't wait!!!
His kicking/punching have gotten a little stronger. A couple of nights ago I was relaxing in the tub and noticed my stomach move during one of his Tae Kwon Do sessions. It popped out a bit. I called Hubby in to check it out and he put his hand on my belly only to have it kicked pretty good. Hubby was surprised at the force. This was the first time he has been able to really feel Little Man. I'm blessed with feeling him every couple of ours. He seems more active in the evenings but that may be because I'm just sitting around doing nothing and notice the movements.
We are starting to think about the nursery and getting things ready for a registry. The nursery is going to be decorated in a jungle theme (lions, tigers, monkeys, giraffes, hippos, etc.). I'm sure everyone thinks we should go farm animal, but he'll get his share of the farm in real life. There is a play yard I want to get him that has ponies on the mobile and a jumperoo that is a horse that makes all sorts of sounds but that will be for the living room.
In other news...
There is a new man living in our house. I call him Hubby but you can call him Staff Sergeant Hutson. My sister rode with us to Parris Island today for him to get "pinned".
We are very proud of this much deserved promotion. This makes all the battles he has faced during active duty worth it.
On the way to Parris Island we stopped to take some photos at the Ruins of Old Sheldon, Prince William's Paris Church. It was built in 1745, burned down by the British Army in 1779, rebuilt in 1826 and burned down by the Federal Army in 1865. Here is a picture of my sister and I acting silly behind one of the pillars.
On the way to Parris Island we stopped to take some photos at the Ruins of Old Sheldon, Prince William's Paris Church. It was built in 1745, burned down by the British Army in 1779, rebuilt in 1826 and burned down by the Federal Army in 1865. Here is a picture of my sister and I acting silly behind one of the pillars.
Hubby is going through the process of getting hired at the Department of Corrections. We hope to hear from them next week regarding a starting date. With the economy the way it is, every job is a blessing these days. Please keep us in your prayers.
Take Care & Stay Warm!
Take Care & Stay Warm!