It's official! My stomach is alive!!
During tax season I help my aunt out at her tax office on Saturday's and every night of the week but Wednesday. Wednesday is my night of rest!! So, I'm resting up a few minutes ago...lounging in the bathtub and Little Man is moving and a shaking, enjoying his bath. lol.
I'm laying there reading my book when I notice my belly button moving slightly. I look down and the left side of my stomach is moving! I've seen him kick which is awesome BUT this ain't no kick. He is moving and my stomach is moving!!
Of course Hubby and I were totally thrilled to see our little one moving around like that. God is amazing, I can't say that enough!! We are blessed beyond belief to be given this wonderful opportunity to see God's power of creation. Life begins at true this is!!
Yesterday, at 25 weeks 4 days, I had my Glucose test. I went expecting the worse, praying for the best, and enjoyed chugging down the orange "soda" type drink. I'm a fan of Fanta and Crush so it wasn't bad to me at all. The worse part of the test was the finger pricking!! UGH! Stab me with a knife or a million needles but don't prick my finger!!
After my sobbing from the finger prick (no not really) the nurse tells me my sugar is a 100, which is good and my iron is 115, which is apparently also good. Heck if I know. I just know I won't get my finger pricked again, or I hope not. Laugh if you want but all I could think was if I fail this I'm going to have to prick my finger every day to check my sugar, I can't do that. Give myself shots? Sure I can handle that but pricking my finger?!? NOPE!
So this Friday we will be 26 weeks. That means our due date is in, get this...14 weeks. 14 weeks people!! The thought of that excites and scares the mess out of me!! I've grown up on a farm so I know how to raise all sorts of animals, I've been the mama to Tiny (my little chihuahua, see below) for 6 years and I've got two house plants and two plants at work BUT A BABY!!!
During tax season I help my aunt out at her tax office on Saturday's and every night of the week but Wednesday. Wednesday is my night of rest!! So, I'm resting up a few minutes ago...lounging in the bathtub and Little Man is moving and a shaking, enjoying his bath. lol.
I'm laying there reading my book when I notice my belly button moving slightly. I look down and the left side of my stomach is moving! I've seen him kick which is awesome BUT this ain't no kick. He is moving and my stomach is moving!!
Of course Hubby and I were totally thrilled to see our little one moving around like that. God is amazing, I can't say that enough!! We are blessed beyond belief to be given this wonderful opportunity to see God's power of creation. Life begins at true this is!!
Yesterday, at 25 weeks 4 days, I had my Glucose test. I went expecting the worse, praying for the best, and enjoyed chugging down the orange "soda" type drink. I'm a fan of Fanta and Crush so it wasn't bad to me at all. The worse part of the test was the finger pricking!! UGH! Stab me with a knife or a million needles but don't prick my finger!!
After my sobbing from the finger prick (no not really) the nurse tells me my sugar is a 100, which is good and my iron is 115, which is apparently also good. Heck if I know. I just know I won't get my finger pricked again, or I hope not. Laugh if you want but all I could think was if I fail this I'm going to have to prick my finger every day to check my sugar, I can't do that. Give myself shots? Sure I can handle that but pricking my finger?!? NOPE!
So this Friday we will be 26 weeks. That means our due date is in, get this...14 weeks. 14 weeks people!! The thought of that excites and scares the mess out of me!! I've grown up on a farm so I know how to raise all sorts of animals, I've been the mama to Tiny (my little chihuahua, see below) for 6 years and I've got two house plants and two plants at work BUT A BABY!!!

The first night I brought Tiny home I put him in a box by my bed and he cried and cried. I picked him up and put him under the covers with me and he hasn't cried since. I don't think a baby will be that easy! Shoot I know they aren't! With a dog you put out some food and water for them, love on them and they grow up to love and adore you. With a baby you have to get a room ready for them, you buy books that sorta tell you what to expect and people have showers for you to make sure you are prepared with all the necessary things you will need. They even have this HUGE store you go to and register for everything you will need. Babies aren't like dogs!!
And speaking of this huge store...This past Saturday my sister and I went to register at BabiesRUs for the two showers I am having. What a job that was. Talk about overwhelming. I think we spent about two and half hours in that store and I still have to go online and "fix" my registry. There are swings, bottles, diapers, onesies, play-yards, crib sheets, ointments for every ailment, car seats, boppies, bottle liners, breast pads, shampoos, soaps, rattles, teethers, jumpers, bouncy seats, crib sets, bottle warmers, diaper genies, clothes, clothes and more is a woman to know what is the right "things" for her little one? By the end we started just scanning everything. I'm hoping we didn't accidentally scan a dress. lol.
The midwife gave me a little chart for fetal counting. You are to pick a two hour time period to check to see if you feel the baby moving 10 times. This morning I picked 7-9. I think by 7:30 I had his 10 kicks for the day. I felt him moving around from about 6:30 until about 9 when I guess he decided to take a nap.
She also gave me my paper for pre-registering at the hospital and asked who his pediatrician is going to be. With all these questions, things are really starting to seem real. I guess having the bassinet sitting up in our room already didn't hurt in helping the sinking in process but those questions drive it home!! We are having a baby. It's official. It's real. And time is flying by!!!
And my stomach is alive!