I’m not sure if they are or not but he sure does make them sound like it! Little Man has discovered his fingers!! Our little man loves his pacifier but yesterday he wanted those fingers instead!! It is so cute to hear his sucking and slobbering all over them.
He is growing so fast!! He amuses us daily and himself! The way he is eying Tiny, Cocoa, and Ace, I know he will get them first thing when he starts moving around. Ace is a team player right now. He just stands there and licks Little Man while Little Man grabs him. Oh yeah…grabbing these days means pinching. That kid can pinch. Of course he is just gripping with all his might and has no idea he is pinching.
I’ll have to get a picture up of him slurping on his fingers! Too cute!

He is growing so fast!! He amuses us daily and himself! The way he is eying Tiny, Cocoa, and Ace, I know he will get them first thing when he starts moving around. Ace is a team player right now. He just stands there and licks Little Man while Little Man grabs him. Oh yeah…grabbing these days means pinching. That kid can pinch. Of course he is just gripping with all his might and has no idea he is pinching.
I’ll have to get a picture up of him slurping on his fingers! Too cute!