Wow! Life really changes when you have a baby!
I’ve always been one who may be considered a loner to an extent. I enjoy time with loved ones and friends but I enjoy my alone time as well. I’ve always considered Tiny, my Chihuahua, to be my son since I got him in 2003. Let me just say, you can’t compare a dog to a baby. They don’t even begin to compare. What was I thinking? First keep the plant alive, then the dog…okay now I’m ready for a baby. Yeah…wrong!!! To even begin to compare get about 12 greenhouses, a garden and about 40 yipping Chihuahuas. Keep them alive for a year or so and then you might be ready for a newborn!!
So with all that you probably have already guessed it – there is no alone time when you have a baby!!! Your child can seem to be dead asleep when the urge hits you and you run to the bathroom. You get there, sit and relax, only to hear – waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh no! He wasn’t asleep. What do you do? Leave the baby in there screaming or jump off the john and go get him? Yep, you guessed it. Potty time consist of sitting there holding the baby or having the baby looking at you as they suck their pacifier while they sit in their bouncy or car seat. Sounds appealing. Thank God I got use to Ace, Tiny and Cocoa following me around everywhere when I was pregnant. I’m use to having eyes staring at me while I’m in the bathroom. Now they aren’t peering under the door.

I’ve always been one who may be considered a loner to an extent. I enjoy time with loved ones and friends but I enjoy my alone time as well. I’ve always considered Tiny, my Chihuahua, to be my son since I got him in 2003. Let me just say, you can’t compare a dog to a baby. They don’t even begin to compare. What was I thinking? First keep the plant alive, then the dog…okay now I’m ready for a baby. Yeah…wrong!!! To even begin to compare get about 12 greenhouses, a garden and about 40 yipping Chihuahuas. Keep them alive for a year or so and then you might be ready for a newborn!!
So with all that you probably have already guessed it – there is no alone time when you have a baby!!! Your child can seem to be dead asleep when the urge hits you and you run to the bathroom. You get there, sit and relax, only to hear – waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh no! He wasn’t asleep. What do you do? Leave the baby in there screaming or jump off the john and go get him? Yep, you guessed it. Potty time consist of sitting there holding the baby or having the baby looking at you as they suck their pacifier while they sit in their bouncy or car seat. Sounds appealing. Thank God I got use to Ace, Tiny and Cocoa following me around everywhere when I was pregnant. I’m use to having eyes staring at me while I’m in the bathroom. Now they aren’t peering under the door.