Okay, tomorrow is Little Man's first day at daycare. <----Yeah scary! He will be going to The Sunshine House down the road from Southeastern Freight Lines. So close I can check on him anytime I want which translates to lunch only. lol. Yeah, I don't have it like that. I'm only allowed to leave work at lunch and at the end of the day. Since he is going to daycare I would like for everyone there to know what is his. Everything is labeled, his clothes, bibs, lotion, gas drops, wipes, bottles, blanket, and EVEN his pacifer! Anybody have a kid that has an oral fixation? My son HAS to have his pacifer. A couple of weeks ago we rode up to my parents who live across the pasture from us (only in the country) and forgot his pacifer. Huge Mistake! My boy turned into a crybaby w/out that thing. So, he is laying in bed between Hubby and I, in his pjs, sucking away on his labeled pacifer. 
I've been looking and looking for one of the greatest things ever invented for babies - the Bumbo Chair and we found one yesterday at Target. It is AWESOME! Little Man sits in it and looks around! He also spends his time trying to get his hands in his mouth. He is learning out to do this. Here he is sitting in it but he can't get his hand in his mouth because look what is there...

I've been looking and looking for one of the greatest things ever invented for babies - the Bumbo Chair and we found one yesterday at Target. It is AWESOME! Little Man sits in it and looks around! He also spends his time trying to get his hands in his mouth. He is learning out to do this. Here he is sitting in it but he can't get his hand in his mouth because look what is there...