Saturday, December 20, 2008

Our Growing Family

Pregnancy Tickers

I hope this blogs find all of you ready for the celebration of the birth of our Christ!! I know I'm not finished with all my shopping but I'm ready to celebrate the most important birthday ever!! One, even more important, than the birth of my own child. If that offends you in any way your priorities are out of order.

We went to the doctor Friday for our 4th prenatal visit. The worse part of the whole trip was the waiting room and then waiting in the room for the midwife. I hate waiting period. I'm glad Hubby was there with me because that helps pass the time by. I told him the worse part of my yearly female visit was the waiting in the room with those little pieces of paper they give you to cover up with. I don't know about the rest of you, but by the time my doc comes in my little papers are normally ripped up. I have a problem being still.

Being still brings me to my next point...Baby Hutson doesn't know how to be either so s(he) are taking after their mama!! The midwife asked me if I've been feeling movement and I was like, "Oh yeah!" I can't feel them moving from the outside yet, but I can tell where they are laying because my stomach gets really hard in certain spots.

Becoming a mommie is awesome I must add!! I sit and think about this little one and my eyes just tear up. God is amazing and I can't say that enough. Hubby and I are so blessed to be given this opportunity and I can't thank our Creator enough!

The heartbeat was strong...staying in the 140s. Don't try to guess the sex by this because I hear its not very accurate. The old wivestales are fun to hear but we are looking forward to January 6th, when we will hopefully see the little cheeseburger or hotdog. Hilarious, I know!

I'm going to wait to post the sex when we find out b/c we want our boys in Illinois to know personally from us. Can't have them hearing it from the "grapevine"!! Joseph, the oldest wants a baby sister. Jacob had said he wanted a little brother, but the last I talked to him he said sister. When it comes to Tiny and Cocoa (my canine kids) they would prefer a sister. lol. They said dressing them up and pushing them in the stroller sounds waaaay more appealing than getting a firecracker tied to their tails and lit. Yeah, that didn't say that, cause as most of you know, dogs can't talk but I know that is what they are thinking.

There is no doubt in my mind that our Baby Hutson is going to be cowgirl/cowboy. Our pony herd of two has grown to eight. When the boys get here next summer they are going to have a blast out there with them too. We are going to make those two Yankee boys cowboys too!!

Well, let me wrap it up. I've got to go study my Sunday School lesson. I hope you and yours have a wonderful Holiday Season. Please remember the whole purpose of Christmas...Christ!

God Bless!

My Family from

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

While You Were Sleeping

Guys if you get a minute listen to the song by Casting Crowns, "While You Were Sleeping". Take a minute and really listen to the words. I heard this song the other morning on my way to work and it touched my heart. Listening to it right now brings tears to my eyes and these tears have nothing to do with this pregnancy.

Bethlehem had no room for our King and he slept in a manger on his Birth Night. Bethlehem was too busy sleeping to realize. Jerusalem had no room for our King. They had room for the cross though. Crucify him! Crucify him!

America’s forefathers traveled miles and miles on small boats fairing an unforgiving sea for a forgiving King. We are too busy these days trying to save the planet, a task that never will be completed, that we don’t give abortions or lost souls a second thought.

Forget saving the planet! Let’s make an attempt to save the lost soul living next door and to stop abortions. Life begins at conception. Not when you choose. The planet has a destiny, one you have no control over. Have you heard about what happens after the Rapture?

That silent night will come. Will you be sleeping?

Oh little town of Bethlehem
Looks like another silent night
Above your deep and dreamless sleep
A giant star lights up the sky
And while you're lying in the dark
There shines an everlasting light
For the King has left His throne
And is sleeping in a manger tonight

Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
For God became a man
And stepped into your world today
Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

Oh little town of Jerusalem
Looks like another silent night
The Father gave His only Son
The Way, the Truth, the Life had come
But there was no room for Him in the world He came to save

Jerusalem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
The Savior of the world is dying on your cross today
Jerusalem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night
As we're sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the trees and kill the children
And while we're lying in the dark
There's a shout heard 'cross the eastern sky
For the Bridegroom has returned
And has carried His bride away in the night

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping
Will Jesus come again
And leave us slumbering where we lay
America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King
Will we be sleeping
Will we be sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night

Sunday, December 7, 2008

17 weeks and 1 day

I wanted to share a photo of me and my first maternity outfit. This picture was taken on Parris Island right before we went to the Marine Corp Christmas party.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Bump

9 weeks & 4 days

13 weeks & 3 days

16 weeks 6 days

As you guys can see, my clothes are shrinking!! I think I'm going to carry the baby in my stomach, (like you are supposed to), my rear and both my thighs!! I can't wait to look like I'm having a baby and not like I'm eating my food, Billy's and the dogs!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

15 weeks & 3 days

God is good. God is great!

Today we had our 3rd prenatal appointment. Let me just say, I love the Midwives at Lexington Women's Care. I don't recommend those doctors at all anymore. I saw Dr. Estes from 1999 up until I got pregnant and I felt like a chart the entire time. The Midwives make you feel like a person, with feelings and not just a pair of breast and vagina for them to examine. Yeah that is how Dr. Estes made me feel.

So anyways, we saw our third Midwife and she was awesome. Miranda went with me since Billy is at Parris Island this week. She got to hear her niece/nephew's heartbeat right along with me. It was AWESOME!!! The heartbeat was 158 bpm. I tell you what, there is nothing, I mean nothing, in this world close to the feeling of hearing your child's heartbeat. Billy and I are blessed beyond belief to be given this opportunity from God to have this little baby.

Our next appointment is December 19th, my Papa's birthday. That's going to be really special. I wish he were around to harass this little one when he/she gets here. I thought we would find the sex out then but they would rather wait until we are 22 weeks to look at all that. The "guess" will be more accurate then. Will it be a wienie or a cheeseburger? Lol. That is hilarious!

I don't feel nauseated much anymore. There are times my gag reflex is at its prime. Nasty smells and icky stuff on TV can make me gag. Every time I stand up now I have to pee. I try not to stand up but like every hour at work. I could pee every time I stand up though. I haven't had too many cravings besides wanting salty things, milk, meat and cheese. I eat some sweets but not a lot. I'd rather have some Funyons than a brownie. The other day I caught myself eating Funyons and yogurt.

My clothes do not fit anymore when it comes to pants. I've been wearing a pair of maternity pants almost every day to work. I'm at that point where I'm going to start buying maternity clothes. I need a new bra too b/c these girls have gotten bigger. My panties have shrunk. Lol.

I took the baby on a trip today. I got home tonight and had my hands full. Some kind of way (just being clumsy) I twisted my foot and was about to fall face first into the steps. I used some of my ninja moves so I would not land on my stomach and landed on my elbow instead. It felt wonderful. I'm glad it was dark and not even the dogs saw me. I'm also glad I didn't land on my knees. I would have hated to break my kneecaps.

I can't wait to feel Baby Hutson move around in there. If the baby is taking after me I know it's in there shaking its leg or something. The midwife said I should feel it soon. I said, I might not be able to b/c of all this fat. She said 400 lbs women (though I'm nowhere close) feel their babies move. Looks like we are safe. Well I reckon this is enough for now. I'm going to go surf the net.

Please note: all of this is an update. I'm not complaining at all. Being pregnant is a blessing.

Monday, October 27, 2008

11 weeks & 3 days

We went for our second doctor's appointment today...all three of us. The midwife used a fetal doppler to listen for the heartbeat. She had a hard time finding it and when she did I got so excited I moved and she never found it again. What we did hear sounded great!!

Since last month I have gained 4 pounds and I can really tell in my thighs!! Tub of lard. The smell of smoke really makes me want to vomit and I'm so glad they have outlawed smoking in Lexington County. Sorry smokers, but us non-smokers (especially kids and little ones in mommies' bellies) shouldn't have to suffer along w/you on your cancer quest.

My new best friend is gas. I'm constantly burping. I wake up burping, burp in my sleep, you get the point. It works out great b/c my husband hates to hear me burp. lol

Love from the Hutson family: Josie, Billy & Baby Hutson....and all the dogs!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Addition

Just a quick little blog to give you an update on the Hutson Family...

We are 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. We took a test on Friday that came back positive and headed to the doctor today. We thought we were further along (9 weeks) but apparently my uterus didn't feel 9 weeks along so we had an ultrasound. I'm glad we had that b/c I got to see our little one and hear and see the heartbeat. That makes it all real!! Now I know why my stomach is in knots and it is so worth it!!!

Our due date is May 15th, 2009. We are so excited and thankful God has chosen to bless us in this way!! I can't wait to enjoy every aspect of making this little bundle of joy.

Can ya'll imagine spending 40 weeks of every waking/sleeping second w/me? haha! What a bond I'm going to have with this little one!! I'm so excited.

Well, I'm tired so I think I'm about to catch a nap.