Sunday, July 19, 2009


Okay, tomorrow is Little Man's first day at daycare. <----Yeah scary! He will be going to The Sunshine House down the road from Southeastern Freight Lines. So close I can check on him anytime I want which translates to lunch only. lol. Yeah, I don't have it like that. I'm only allowed to leave work at lunch and at the end of the day. Since he is going to daycare I would like for everyone there to know what is his. Everything is labeled, his clothes, bibs, lotion, gas drops, wipes, bottles, blanket, and EVEN his pacifer! Anybody have a kid that has an oral fixation? My son HAS to have his pacifer. A couple of weeks ago we rode up to my parents who live across the pasture from us (only in the country) and forgot his pacifer. Huge Mistake! My boy turned into a crybaby w/out that thing. So, he is laying in bed between Hubby and I, in his pjs, sucking away on his labeled pacifer.
I've been looking and looking for one of the greatest things ever invented for babies - the Bumbo Chair and we found one yesterday at Target. It is AWESOME! Little Man sits in it and looks around! He also spends his time trying to get his hands in his mouth. He is learning out to do this. Here he is sitting in it but he can't get his hand in his mouth because look what is there...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Broken Branding Iron

Every morning I let my hot iron warm up to a branding temperature while I take my shower. This saves me time and gives me that “oh so straight not so frizzy” look. Well this morning I followed the same routine. After blow drying my hair while being watched by Little Man (he loves to watch mommie get ready - - well actually he doesn’t have a choice, he is eleven weeks!), I reach for my scalding hot iron. WAIT! I can’t feel the heat burning my hand. Should I touch it? Of course I’m a little leery. After all, this is the same hot iron that makes a sizzling sound when it touches your forehead. Tap! Tap! Forget the branding iron. I’ve now got a warming iron. Instead of straighten my hair I’ve got something to warm it up with. Does hair even get cold?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer time Blues??

The week I headed back to work is the same week we picked up Hubby's boys in NC for the summer. I say summer but it was more like a month. We can't have them the entire summer since we want to give them time w/their grandparents. As the mom of a 6 week old it was a HUGE adjustment for me this year. Last year was pie since we had them for two weeks, Hubby was off of work the entire time, and I wasn't pregnant or a new mom. This year Hubby was unable to take any time off from work and on the days he had to work it was nights. This left me alone with 3 boys whose ages ranged from 6 weeks, 9 years and 11 years. Did I mention the 6 week old was colicy?

All in all I would have to say this summer was a success. You learn from your mistakes so next summer will be handled a little differently. I won't go into details. I'll just say lesson learned and move on. lol.

Their summer adventures consisted of: playing video games (the boys are HUGE gamers), discussions of wrestling, 24-7 it seemed, (oh how I hate WWF, WWE, or whatever it is called, BUT Joseph and Jacob are fans.), swimming at my mom's on the days she kept them (A GINORMOUS HELP!!) and on the nights I was alone and bored, trip to the park, Riverbank Zoo, icecream at Cold Stone Creamery, their first trip to Bass Pro Shops in a downpour no less, their first bb guns, a fishing trip, building birdhouses with Billy, hanging out at the chicken house with my mom, making homemade Father's Day cards, picking and eating wild blackberries, catching their first possum, wrestling (imagine that) with Ace, finding out Tiny and Cocoa like to be left alone after hours of harrassment, feeding and watering our ponies, taking care of LouLou and Toby, riding on the tractor with my Daddy, playing badmitton with the gameset my sister and her husband got them, gosh I could go on and on.

Things we learned from the boys this summer: leaving soap in the tub makes it appear to "melt", a commode plunger needs to be in every bathroom. Joseph can't land on his feet like a cat even if he meows like one, Spongebob and Animal Planet are great for entertaining kids, poptarts are great for breakfast on the go, if a pool is around you will be asked everyday, several times a day, if they can go swimming, towels won't get hung up, light khaki colored interior is not a good idea, and most importantly I can survive as a new mom of three!

Summer is not a time for the blues but boy do we have them when the boys go home. I hate seeing my husband like this when they go home. He loves his boys so much and spending only a few weeks with them during the summer just kills him. I wish things were different for him and his boys but wishing doesn't change anything. I just pray to God nothing ever comes between Holden and Billy. A boy needs his father.

Here are some pictures from this summer:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alone Time???

Wow! Life really changes when you have a baby!

I’ve always been one who may be considered a loner to an extent. I enjoy time with loved ones and friends but I enjoy my alone time as well. I’ve always considered Tiny, my Chihuahua, to be my son since I got him in 2003. Let me just say, you can’t compare a dog to a baby. They don’t even begin to compare. What was I thinking? First keep the plant alive, then the dog…okay now I’m ready for a baby. Yeah…wrong!!! To even begin to compare get about 12 greenhouses, a garden and about 40 yipping Chihuahuas. Keep them alive for a year or so and then you might be ready for a newborn!!

So with all that you probably have already guessed it – there is no alone time when you have a baby!!! Your child can seem to be dead asleep when the urge hits you and you run to the bathroom. You get there, sit and relax, only to hear – waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh no! He wasn’t asleep. What do you do? Leave the baby in there screaming or jump off the john and go get him? Yep, you guessed it. Potty time consist of sitting there holding the baby or having the baby looking at you as they suck their pacifier while they sit in their bouncy or car seat. Sounds appealing. Thank God I got use to Ace, Tiny and Cocoa following me around everywhere when I was pregnant. I’m use to having eyes staring at me while I’m in the bathroom. Now they aren’t peering under the door.